Professional &
Well-versed Therapist
Occupational Therapist XIAN NGOH is a good clinican & well-versed with her professional work.
Michael Sun,
Center Manager
Adventist Nursing and Rehab
Marsiling Drive

Satisfied Work Performances
We are satisfied with the work performance of Physiotherapist Kai Ling and we find her knowledgeable and surely she met our hospital expectations
Joyce Chua,
Head of In-patient Rehab,
St Andrew's Community Hospital

Happy with Physio Beh
We are happy with the rehab services by Pacific Rehab & Ms Beh is professional and knowledgeable in her work. They have definitely fulfil our expectations.
Loh Wei Chin,
Head of Day Rehab Center
St Andrew's Hospital

Satisfied & Quality Work
Generally, all the Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists deployed are knowledgeable & professional. We are happy with your services thus far.
Agnes Tay,
Assist. HR Manager,
Ang Mo Kio Thye Hua Kwan Hospital

Meeting our Expectations
Pacific Rehab has surely met our expectations & OT Xian Ngoh is able to deliver professional work promptly. She is gentle in delivering her individual rehab care too.
Mary Lim,
Center Manager
Alzheimer's Disease
Association (ADA )

Skilled Therapist, Jono
Ms Jono is knowledgeable and is highly competent in her clinical handling skills. Thank you Pacific Rehab for referring an experienced therapist for our center.
Murugeswaran Wani,
Center Manager,
Handicapped Welfare Association( HWA )

Thank you, Pacific Rehab
Thank you Pacific Rehab for prompt and quality service delivery. My dad has 2 episodes of cardiac arrest and was sent NUH. Upon discharge, AIC put up a referral for my dad's home - based therapy as my brother ( who is a cardiologist in Cardiff ) felt that he requires some form of active therapy to prevent him from having further deterioration. Pacific Rehabilitation followed through our referral and offered us a prompt and timely schedule to assess my dad’s condition Prudence, the therapist was professional in assessing and treating my dad. She engaged him in activity- based sessions to keep him active. Upon several sessions, he has regain his fitness level prior to his cardiac arrest admission. My brother and me are grateful for her care for my dad. I would like to recommend her service to anyone who requires rehabilitation as we felt that she is of great help to improve my dad to his present level of fitness. Thank you Prudence. All the best in your future endeavor!
Daughter of Dr Ghoshie
Congestive Heart Failure
Holland Road

Notable Improvement
Thank you for treating my father, who had a fall which led to hip fracture at home last year. Your intervention of modifying my house and making him accessible in the absence of fall hazards have helped us a lot. Also, the home exercises that the therapist taught my father has helped him to improve his endurance. Now, he no longer requires a wheelchair but he only uses a quadstick nowadays. The therapists are caring and thoughtful in a way they took initiative to train my maid in handling my father in a safe manner. Thank you once again.
Joseph Yu,
son of Mr Yu, Post Hip-Replacement

Grateful for the Quality Care with a heart
My mother was diagnosed with liver cancer last year and we observed how she has gradually declined and getting more and more lethargic. My brother suggested that we should find home based therapist to keep active. With a close friend's recommendation, we engaged Pacific Rehab therapists to keep her active in hope that she can slow down her muscles from wasting away. Although my mother is no longer around we were appreciative of what the therapist has done to improve and keep her active even at the last stage of her life. Prudence is professional, caring and highly empathetic and experienced in treating my mother. As you know, during my mother's " not so good " days, she is not able to do much activities, she is readily fine tune her activities to accommodate my mum's energy level " of that day". At the final stage of her life, Prudence has taught my mother some breathing techniques and also trained my maid on the right method of managing her self care. We would like to express our gratitude to Prudence as well as applaud the quality care provided by Pacific Rehabilitation as we can truly experience care and utmost concern by the therapist in walking through the entire journey with us.
Raymond Lim,
Son of Mdm Ong
Terminal Liver Cancer
Kampung Arang Road

Dedicated Therapist
Thank you Prudence, for helping my mother regaining her mobility. Due to ageing and weakness of her legs, she has several falls which led to hospital admission in CGH. Upon discharge from the hospital, my brother and I have difficulties bringing her to the therapy center for rehabilitation as she has dementia would not want to travel and prefer to be sitting around at home most of the time. We were worried that she will become bed bound in future so we decided to engage a home care therapist to treat her.
Upon careful researching the service provider online, we chanced upon Pacific Rehab. Upon 2 months of weekly rehab, my mother is more mobile at home, at least she is able to walk to the toilet herself with the use of a walking aid. In the past, she was put on diapers as she was unable to walk and she was very fearful of falling. I thank Pacific Rehab for their dedicated therapist and their professionalism in treating my mother.
Swee Yee,
daughter of Mdm Loo
Dementia with Hip Injury
Queens Road

Good rehab care for my daughter with a stroke
My 20- year old daughter suffered a massive MCA stroke which led her to temporary coma last year during a sports event in her school. Upon a short period of rehabilitation in TTSH, my husband and I decided to bring her home for home rehabilitation as we believed that my daughter will recover faster in a familiar environment, which is our home. Another reason why we are choosing home therapy is because it is difficult for my daughter to travel in wheelchair.
Being the fact that Pacific Rehabilitation are made up of a team of experienced, senior occupational therapists, they are skillful in improving her my daughter’s muscle control. The occupational therapist who attended to her fabricated her some splints to keep the joints mobile and hence she movement is now very much preserved. 2 years on, she is now able to move her stroke hand and she has now able to use her hand to do a lot more to do a lot more tasks nowadays. Thank you Pacific Rehab!
Mr & Mrs Prakash Mugam, parents of Sheruya,
20 years old,
Stroke (MCA infarct )
Parc Oasis Jurong East

Thank you, Prudence
Thank you, Pacific Rehab. My teenage daughter, a stroke victim when she was 16 years old has always been treated by Prudence. She has numerous experiences in rehab and moreover, her previous experience in hands rehabilitation has help me save a lot of hassle. She can make customized splints for my daughter in our home without requiring my daughter to travel to other centre as she is not convenient to do so. Moreover, my husband works and I have difficulties ferrying her from one place to another. With their expertise and professionalism, I will recommend Pacific Rehab for those who are looking into home therapy.
Mrs Alice Chua,
mother of Jane , Stoke, AVM,
16 years old, Tampines St 43

Great Rehab Care
Thank you Prudence!
With your help and your professional advice, my mother is now able to walk with minimal help from my maid. I could vividly remembered how deconditioned she was when she was discharged from the community hospital after several bouts of pneumonia. She is now able to move around and we are so delighted that she no longer require a wheelchair when we dine out but rather she was walk and managed stairs of the rest of the restaurants. Kudos to Pacific Rehabilitation.
Daughter of Mdm Chan,
Dementia with Hip Injury

Highly Recommended
We have engaged the services of Pacific Rehab since Jul 2020. Right from the beginning even during the initial discussions, they have always been very proactive and easy to liaise with. We can see that they attempt their best efforts to match our professional manpower needs. Charges are also reasonable and fair.
We highly recommend them. TENG Chiun How Director, Heart Wellness Centre Singapore Heart Foundation
TENG Chiun How,

KUDOS to the TEAM!
Just started up a new Elderly Day Care Centre at Bedok this year. Thanks to Pacific Rehab's introduction of top quality OTs, our Centre has since been running very smoothly ! Kudos PR&T !
Day Care Manager

We will Recommend
Pacific Rehab
We have engaged the Pacific Rehab & Therapy for locum therapist services for more than 1 year. The replacement service is fast and reliable. The Locum therapists allocated to our centers are very professional and accommodative. Highly recommended!
Handicapped Welfare Association

Thumbs Up!
Thumbs up for Pacific Rehab for her services and quality of work. Special mention to their Management Group as well in ensuring good customer experience!
Gerald Tan
Active Global Caregiver
Central Singapore

Customized Care for MUM
We engaged the home therapist services of Pacific Rehab for my mum's rehab after her fall in 2014. With the dedicated and persistent efforts of Prudence Chan, she was able to get back on her feet again. I was particularly impressed at how Prudence was able to tailor the therapy sessions to what her interests were (singing, music) and even guiding her to get in and out of a car so she could enjoy going out again. As the sessions progressed, she even tried out various apps to engage her mind with sensory activities. Mum enjoyed her sessions very much especially as the family members were also encouraged to be there with her. We are very grateful to Prudence and her team for making her last years so rewarding.
Geraldine Weller
Daughter of Margaret Weller
Hougang Avenue 7

Dependable & Organized
A dependable and organised company that you can trust to find your locum job. They will always be there to assist to help you to solve your problems that you encounter with your locum organisation and provides promptly updates for your job offers!
Principal Occupational Therapist